
Here you will find a selection of my published scholarly research.  This page will be updated periodically.

Muchlinski, David (2021). Swords and Plowshares: Property Rights, Collective Action, and Nonstate Governance in the Jewish Community of Palestine 1920–1948.  American Political Science Review.

Muchlinski, David, David Siroky, Jingrui He, and Matthew Kocher. Response to Kapoor and Narayanan (2022). Unpublished Manuscript.

Muchlinski, David, Xiao Yang, Sarah Birch, Craig Macdonald, and Iadh Ounis. (2020). We Need to Go Deeper: Measuring Electoral Violence using Convolutional Neural Networks and Social Media. Political Science Research and Methods.

Crooks, Courtney, Matthew Canham, Tom McNeil, David Muchlinski, and Ben Sawyer. (2020). Understanding Online Information Operations: Development of an Influence Network for Scientific Inquiry Testing Environment (INSITE). 2020 IEEE International Conference on Big Data (Big Data).

Sarah Birch & David Muchlinski. (2020). The Dataset of Countries at Risk of Electoral Violence. Terrorism and Political Violence, 32:2, 217-236

Muchlinski, David. (2019). The Politics and Effects of Religious Grievance. Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Politics.

Muchlinski, David, David Siroky, Jingrui He, and Matthew Kocher. (2019). Seeing the Forest through the Trees.  Political Analysis 27(1), 111-113. Email for folder containing corresponding replication files, or see Replication page. See hyperlink for video documenting replication.

Birch, Sarah, and David Muchlinski. (2018). “Electoral Violence Prevention: What Works?” Democratization. 25 (3), 385-403

Muchlinski, David, David Siroky, Jingrui He, and Matthew Kocher. (2016). Comparing Random Forest with Logistic Regression for Predicting Class-Imbalanced Civil War Onset DataPolitical Analysis. 24(1) 87-103

Muchlinski, David. (2014). Grievances and Opportunities: Religious Violence Across Political RegimesPolitics and Religion. 7(4) 684-705.